Hi everyone, welcome to my very first blog. My name is Andri. I am an Indonesian. I currently live in Bryant, AR, USA. I have been living here since 2005. I am a nursing student. I have been in school forever, and so desperate to get out of school :)
And this is what got me into blogging. I had a friend who I was friends with for about a year before he went back to California, where he was born. Every now and then I would ask him English related questions. Sometimes he would have a hard time with the questions and have to re-think about his own language. That's because people don't really think when they speak their own language. We don't think about the structure of the Indonesian language when speak Indonesian, especially informally. Neither do Americans. The words come out automatically as they talk. So, when they are asked questions about English, it can take them a while to finally explaining them to you. He helped me quite a bit with English, so are other English speaking people around me. One day, him and I were out at Starbucks. He suggested that I start my own blog teaching English to Indonesians since I know how Indonesians think. I used to teach English before I came to the U.S., I didn't know a whole lot about the American “spoken” English back then, but I would consider myself knowledgeable when it comes to grammar. So I took his words into consideration. Next thing I knew, I was typing this post.
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