Daily English is a blog for Indonesians and non-Indonesians everywhere who are interested in knowing more about American English native English speakers speak everyday; English that your schools, English courses or books may not teach. Daily English also aims at obstacles many Indonesians, myself included, face everyday when we are trying to speak English. As an Indonesian, I know exactly the obstacles we face and how we think when it comes to switching our brains from the “Indonesian mode” to the English one. Non-Indonesians can also find lots of information that might be helpful in their learning process. Daily English will also try to help you with "details" that may be overlooked by a lot of Indonesians in their conversations. "Details" that make our conversations sound a little awkward, if we fail to say them correctly. I would like to bring them to your attention. You can also post English-related questions in our English Forum and get answers. No questions are stupid on this blog! This blog also talks about accents, a little bit about American culture, a little bit about my life in the U.S., and who knows what else might be in here. So, let's have a little fun and I do hope you enjoy my blog :)
Watch my introduction video here